Thursday, March 1, 2012

First Dress for My Collection!!

So I'm so excited!! I just got my first license for my first pattern I can legally sell!! Yay!!
I got the pattern from Jessica Abbot from Me Sew Crazy
I love it and it's my first piece for my collection for this summers craft fairs!

Here's one dress I've made so far!


  1. Good luck at the craft fairs---they are lots of fun but soooo much work!
    (Project Run and Play)

    1. Thanks!!! I'm all ready beginning to see how much work is ahead of me! lol! I'm so excited though! I just love sewing, it's become an addiction! I can't wait to get in my sewing room and see what I can come out with! :) I'm hoping I can pace myself though! (we'll see how that goes!) haha! Anyways, I'm so pumped for this next season of PR&P! I can't wait to see what the weeks challenges will be!!

  2. How lovely, as are so many of your outfits. I'm going to follow you and would love it if you check out my blog and follow me if you like it!
    I found my way to you from project run & play: linky party.

    1. Id love to start following! Thank you for joining mine! I love PR&P!
